ai robot, Marte in 3D
della BBC del 24 febbraio 2004)
Mars recreated from photos
are creating 3D images of the Martian surface using photographs
taken by Nasa's robot rovers. Nasa's rovers are taking lots of
shots of Mars Using techniques originally applied to paintings,
the researchers have written software that works out what flat
images would look like from different viewpoints.
The result is a navigable 3D model created from one or more pictures
snapped by the Mars buggies. The first fruits of the research
are short video sequences that give 3D views of Mars without the
need for special spectacles. Replacing the brain The work is being
carried out by Antonio Criminisi and Andrew Blake from Microsoft's
research labs in Cambridge.
pair have developed algorithms that can take a single flat image
or painting and turn it into an virtual environment. The algorithms
work out how the objects depicted relate to each other and makes
guesses about how to draw objects that are obscured in a flat
view but are exposed in three dimensions. "We extract 3D information
out of the image," said Mr Criminisi. "We work out what's behind
an object and how we can automatically fill in what's not seen
by cameras or painted."
resulting virtual recreation lets people explore what a flat image
looks like from different views. Paintings have been turned into
3D models Typically, said Mr Criminisi, anyone wanting to create
a 3D version of a scene has used anaglyphs that, with the help
of glasses, present different images to each eye. "Your brain
does the job of fusing these two flat images to produce a 3D model,"
he said. "We use computer power to do that job for you and give
an impression of the 3D object in front of you."
pair have applied this technique to several famous paintings including
The Flagellation of Christ by Piero della Francesca and Steinwick's
Saint Jerome. Mr Criminisi said it took about five minutes to
generate the model from an image. He said that the more images
the computer had to work with, the easier it became to create
the models. "Because we have so much more information the whole
process of reconstructing the scene can be done automatically,"
he said.
first short video sequences have been generated using a couple
of images sent back to Earth by the Spirit rover. Now Mr Criminisi
and colleagues are working on longer sequences. Eventually, he
said, people might be able to navigate through the 3D model of
Mars using a joystick or gamepad.
foto sono della NASA)